
Showing posts from December, 2021

General Electrical Safety Awareness

In today's world life without electricity is unimaginable. As we use the electricity daily it is as useful also but dangerous too if any fault occurs which leads to harming the person in the scenario which can causes a serious injury or can be fatal also sometimes. People facing with lack of knowledge needs to be educated by sharing safety awareness for a safe use of electricity and handling of emergency conditions during electric failures. 1.  Check the current rating of your appliance and be careful not to overload your power boards to avoid a overloading condition. 2.  Writing utensils and other supplies like paperclips should never be placed in or near electrical outlets, even if you think the outlet isn’t working. 3.  Sometimes people place the extension cords under the carpet. This is a very dangerous practice as it can cause short circuits and this should be avoided at all costs. If the wire is not properly insulated anyone passing over the carpet can be electrocuted if come